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Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
Wind Voyager - Mediterranean
in Ibiza
Olsen Adventures
in Keys
TheKiteMag Clinics
in Fortaleza / Cumbuco
in Bretagne
Tregor Kite
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France is a
Shallow, Flat and Chop
It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of
Any Level
Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SW .
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France is a
Shallow, Flat and Chop
It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of
Any Level
Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SW .
How to get there
From Brest drive east on N12. In Morlaix get onto D786 northeast towards Lannion. Pass Plestin-les-Greves and you will get to Saint-Michel-en-Greve.
Nearest Airports
Rennes (RNS)
195km from spot
Brest (BES)
90km from spot
Nantes (NTE)
290km from spot
How to get there
How to get there
From Brest drive east on N12. In Morlaix get onto D786 northeast towards Lannion. Pass Plestin-les-Greves and you will get to Saint-Michel-en-Greve.
Nearest Airports
Rennes (RNS)
195km from spot
Brest (BES)
90km from spot
Nantes (NTE)
290km from spot
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France, next to Morlaix, Plestin-les-Greves, Brest, France
Discover also...
Wind Voyager - Mediterranean
in Ibiza
Olsen Adventures
in Keys
TheKiteMag Clinics
in Fortaleza / Cumbuco
Best Schools in Bretagne
#1: You Kite
4.9/5 (48)
#2: Ecole Kite de Rhuys
4.8/5 (77)
#3: Rêve O Kite
5/5 (187)
Riding Conditions in Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
Riding Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Warm in summer, cold in winter.
Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SW .
There is Frontal wind at Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France.
Best with frontal SW wind.
Wind usually blows from SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW on the spot.
The best moments to come to Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France are March, April, May, September, October and November .
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Warm in summer, cold in winter.
Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SW .
There is Frontal wind at Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France.
Best with frontal SW wind.
Wind usually blows from SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW on the spot.
The best moments to come to Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France are March, April, May, September, October and November .
Beach and Tide Conditions
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France is a Shallow, Flat and Chop spot.
The launching/landing area is reported to be of Tidal size.
Sandy beach. At times there can be a lot of sea grass on the beach and in the shallow waters. For the rest a great spot with lots of space.
Bit shallow area with flat to choppy water. Lots of seaweed.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France is a Shallow, Flat and Chop spot.
The launching/landing area is reported to be of Tidal size.
Sandy beach. At times there can be a lot of sea grass on the beach and in the shallow waters. For the rest a great spot with lots of space.
Bit shallow area with flat to choppy water. Lots of seaweed.
Need to know
Need to know
Need to know
Best Schools in Bretagne
#1: You Kite
4.9/5 (48)
#2: Ecole Kite de Rhuys
4.8/5 (77)
#3: Rêve O Kite
5/5 (187)
Additional information
A parking is available at Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France.
The spot has Toilets facilities .
Webcams around Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
Webcams around Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
Weather Forecast for the next 10days
Wind and Temperature over the past years
Wind and Temperature over the past years
More about Kitesurfing in Bretagne
More about Bretagne
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Additional information
There are
17 kitesurf schools
94 kitesurf spots
in Bretagne.
Best months: April May June July August September
Best months: April May June July August September
ALL SCHOOLS and SPOTS in Bretagne
Accomodation around the spot
Saint-Michel-en-Greve, France
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